Tuesday, July 18, 2006

JULY Knit for Charity

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Knitting for charity

"In an effort to reach out globally with a gesture of peace, we invite you to knit a shawl to be given to a woman in Israel" by the

Interfaith Encounter Association and Shawl Minitsry

"This association fosters dialogue among people of different faith traditions on a grassroots level to bring about understanding and, hopefully, peace!"

click on the image below to learn more about Global Outreach

While I never intended to mix world events with knitting, I feel compelled to show my support of Israel, our only ally in the middle east, in its war against terrorism.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

My son is still on his BBYO trip and will return Sunday. Like you, I stand with Israel. Am Yisroel Chai!